Back pain caused by ill-fitting saddles is the leading cause of behavioural issues, lameness and loss of performance in riding horses across disciplines.
No matter what discipline you ride, the saddle, as the interface between you and your horse, plays a vital role in your ability to communicate and perform together as a team. The fit of the saddle to you and your horse is of absolute importance and allows for freedom of movement, clear and pain-free communication, and protection for both of you against long-term, irreparable musculoskeletal and psychological damage.
Understanding the Signs of Poor Saddle Fit
Horses are flight animals. In the wild, where only the strongest and fittest survive, showing weakness is a death sentence, which means that horses are experts at hiding pain. Your horse may only display signs of discomfort when his suffering has become intolerable. As his rider and owner, it is your duty to be observant and proactive to ensure problems are recognized well before they have the potential to cause serious damage, possibly ending your horse’s career.
But how do we become more observant? And what should we be paying attention to?
Let’s take a brief detour into equine cognitive function to better understand how, and more importantly, why our horses communicate the way that they do.
There is a prevalent myth that horses lack a frontal cortex, the brain region crucial for executive function. However, this notion is misleading and oversimplified. While horses indeed have a frontal cortex, the organisation and complexity of this area in horses differs from that of humans, prompting a need for nuanced understanding when comparing their cognitive abilities.
In humans, the prefrontal cortex, a subdivision of the frontal cortex, is particularly crucial for governing executive function. This encompasses a suite of cognitive abilities including decision-making, impulse control, emotional regulation, and planning. The prefrontal cortex integrates information from various brain regions to guide goal-directed behaviour and adapt to changing circumstances.
In contrast, while horses have a frontal cortex and a rudimentary prefrontal region, it is comparatively smaller and less developed than that of humans. Consequently, their executive function abilities are more limited. While horses demonstrate incredible cognitive flexibility, problem-solving skills, and social cognition, their capacity for higher-order executive functions may be constrained.
Horses rely more on instinctual responses and learned behaviours rather than intricate decision-making processes compared to humans. When observing behaviours exhibited by horses in response to physical or psychological discomfort, humans often incorrectly attribute calculated decision-making or deliberate actions to them.
Admittedly, we’ve taken quite a detour, but I’m getting back to saddle fit, I promise!
Keeping their cognitive abilities in mind, when your horse turns to bite you when you tighten the
Girth, or moves away from the mounting block, you may misunderstand that behaviour as an intentional or calculated response. In reality however, these behaviours are instinctive manifestations of discomfort rather than deliberate choices guided by executive function.
Understanding these differences is crucial to avoid anthropomorphising.
With this information in mind, next time you go to the yard, closely observe your horse. Do they come to you when you go to get them from the paddock? Are they sensitive in certain areas of their body during grooming? Do they move away when you place the saddle on their back?
Depending on your horse’s personality, they may express themselves differently. Some horses speak up loudly, swishing their tails, stomping, whereas others may simply change their facial expressions. Be observant and take note of your horse’s body language as you go through your routine.
Saddle fit is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to keeping our horses healthy and sound. Of course, there are other factors that may affect your horse’s discomfort in certain situations, but it is always important to consider the saddle when ruling out causes for recurring issues.
Signs of poor saddle fit can manifest in various ways, including:
Behavioural changes: bucking, resistance, tail swishing, teeth grinding, stomping;
Physical symptoms: white hairs under the saddle, dry patches, swelling, and muscle atrophy, back soreness, recurring lameness;
Performance issues: decreased engagement, shortened stride, and difficulty maintaining collection or impulsion, tripping, irregular gaits, difficulty through transitions.
As a rider and, if you’re so lucky, as a horse owner, you have a profound responsibility to your horses, serving as their caretaker and their advocate. With your hands on our horses daily, you develop an intimate understanding of their well-being. This familiarity places you in a unique position as the first line of defence for your horse.
By being attuned to subtle changes in behaviour and performance, you can detect potential issues early on. When equipped with the ability to assess and rule out saddle fit as a contributing factor to these changes, you enhance your capacity to safeguard your horses from discomfort, pain, and potential irreparable damage.
Why and How So Many People Get it Wrong
So, if saddle fit is so incredibly important, why is it that so many people get it wrong?
Sadly, poor saddle fit is a systemic problem that transcends geographical boundaries, impacting horses and riders across various disciplines and skill levels. How is that possible?
Lack of Regulation
Saddle fitting and manufacturing operates within a regulatory void, with minimal oversight and standards globally. The title “saddle fitter” is devoid of a consistent definition or established qualifications. This ambiguity means that virtually anyone, regardless of their level of expertise, can manufacture and sell saddles. The unfortunate result is, that many saddles available for purchase are not built with equine anatomy in mind, and those selling them, despite likely wanting to do right by the horse, may lack a comprehensive understanding of equine anatomy and biomechanics.
With the term "saddle fitter" encompassing such a wide range of individuals, from experienced experts to novices with minimal training, riders are left trying to figure out what and who to trust. As a result, riders may inadvertently seek guidance from ill-equipped fitters, further perpetuating the cycle of poor saddle fit and its detrimental effects on equine welfare.
Conflicting Information
Imagine entering a busy marketplace filled with vendors selling saddles, each proclaiming their product as the best fit for you and your horse. However, as you explore further, you quickly realise that every vendor has a different opinion on what constitutes the perfect fit. Contradictory advice and conflicting philosophies: welcome to the reality of the saddle industry!
Inadequate Education
Central to the perpetuation of saddle fit issues is the pervasive lack of accessible, evidence-based education on the subject. Many riders find themselves devoid of comprehensive resources or structured learning opportunities to enhance their understanding of saddle fit principles. Instead, they are left to rely on outdated practices, anecdotal recommendations, or trial-and-error approaches and none of these options are good solutions.
Without a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise, riders are not prepared to make informed decisions regarding the fit of their horse’s saddle, at no fault of their own.
In essence, there is a fundamental gap in the regulation, education, and dissemination of accurate information within the equine industry when it comes to saddle fit.
Empowerment Through Education
In light of these challenges, Saddlefit 4 Life is committed to evidence-based saddle fit education that puts the horse’s welfare above all else. We do not sell saddles, nor do we employ saddle fitters. Our mission is to promote a scientific approach to saddle fit that equips riders like you with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess saddle fit accurately.
Founded by riders for riders, Saddlefit 4 Life understands the profound impact that saddle fit has on equine welfare and rider performance firsthand. Our programmes have earned the trust and endorsement of veterinarians and universities worldwide.
Recently, Saddlefit 4 Life achieved a significant milestone by being approved as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit provider for veterinarians, further solidifying our position as a trusted authority in the field.
What sets Saddlefit 4 Life apart from other saddle fitting schools is our unwavering dedication to evidence-based education and a scientific approach. Our curriculum draws upon the latest research in equine biomechanics, anatomy, and saddle technology.
As your horse's first line of defence, you hold immense power to ensure their comfort and well-being, starting with anatomically correct saddle fit. At Saddlefit 4 Life, we're here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to become a confident advocate for your horse. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of saddle fit through our free resources on social media or embark on a transformative learning journey with our self-paced online courses, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way.
Let’s elevate standards in saddle fitting, because every ride deserves to be a harmonious and comfortable experience for both you and your horse.
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